Parenting is an equal responsibility somehow I feel like I
am the only one doing it. Do you sometimes feel like this?
For instance, on a typical day, I get up at 6am, cook
breakfast and prepare the kids lunch boxes. 6:30am wake up the kids and try to get them to
eat breakfast at the same time having mine. Meanwhile in the bedroom my husband
is awake but browsing on his facebook news feed. I sometimes call on him to
help out he does at times but I don’t usually want to push him because it won’t
wind up too well. I don’t want to ruin my day so early as I have meetings lined
up for the day.
An increasing number of women are becoming the sole bread
winner in families around Solomon Islands. I can literally count just above my
head the women I know who are. But then there are those who are quite lucky to have
both parents working. In such a family responsibilities still do fall heavily
on the women.
She needs to lock down dates on school holidays, parent’s
interviews, school fundraising, groceries and so on and so forth. After work
both parents are tired and exhausted, but the mother is the one who is “supposed”
to cook dinner? J
Like I said parenting is an equal responsibility and it
would go a long way if typical Solomon Island men lend a hand in the kitchen or
show up for parent/teacher interview or just basically prepare breakfast in the
I applaud the many men I also know who have been amazing
parents, always there for their children and wives, helping out with groceries
and cooking and not just waiting to be served dinner at the end of the day!
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